Kimberly-Clark’s Shonn Brown: ‘Using the Same System, Same Practices Yields the Same Results’

Shonn Brown was 12 years old and walking home from school when a car of white men called her the N-word and sprayed her with orange soda. Fast-forward 35 years – a Friday night last May – Brown learned that a Sonic manager threatened to call the police on her 17-year-old son and his friends – all African American – if they didn’t leave the premises.

“This is my life. This is my Black son’s life. This is our reality,” Brown wrote on Facebook. Now a year later, Brown, a highly successful commercial trial lawyer and deputy GC at Kimberly-Clark Corporation, has become one of the strongest voices for diversity and inclusion in Texas. This is her story.


Elizabeth Ramirez-Washka: Fostering DEI Values at the Boy Scouts


A Pro Bono ‘Ball of Fire’